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Psychic Drawing Detective

Crime Psychic art workshop.png


Entry Level: Mixed   

08 July 2023  - £79.00

3pm-9pm UK BST    via ZOOM

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Welcome to the Crime Forensic Psychic Artist Workshop for Beginner's!



You do not need to be an artist to join this workshop.

Even as a basic drawer (artist), a matchstick artist,

you are more than welcome.


Whilst most people learn how to draw Spirit Portraiture there is MUCH MORE you can do with your art skills.  

Learn how to use your psychic art skills

to help others gain peace of mind! 


Held on Zoom, students worldwide can join and learn the various opportunities open to you to use your psychic art abilities and skills to capture the faces of the living and those that have transitioned in Spirit or living people as in courtroom sketch artists. Come and see if you have the makings of a crime artist.


Next Date: 11 November 2023

You are advised to book early. First come first served. 10 spaces open.

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crime activity, police foresenic artist, courtroom artists 


This workshop is geared to support any developing spirit artist or psychic artist interested in psychic detective forensic work or maybe to identify the level of drawing skills that can be used outside of 'spirit portraits. 


This course is an experimental array of exercises to see where you fit best with your ability.

​Repeat students are welcome to re-register as there is always something different to learn in every repeat workshop.  The list of all essentials will be provided upon booking.

  • Practical Drawing Exercises

  • Videos to Watch and Learn

  • Discussion and Imagery of Forensic Artists

  • Sketching Faces from Witnesses Memory

  • Facial Reconstruction of Missing Persons to Watch

  • Age Progression Portraits Experiments

  • ​and more

You DO NOT need prior drawing skills

to attend as this course is for compete beginners up^

Starting with a PowerPoint presentation you will learn of four areas where you could potentially choose to work in.  The workshop provides a taster which may help you develop in new ways to become of service to spirit, from finding missing people to drawing faces of people who do crime to drawing the face from the skeleton helping to close cases.

A whirlwind whilstop tour helping many discover new talents using their psychic abilites.

By the end of the workshop, you will have more understanding of the other fields you could look into that may suit your level of ability to provide healing to others.

Please note the above may alter to suit the numbers in the session and activities rearranged to suit the process. The break times are likely to stay the same.

Tutor: Anne-Marie Bond TAP.Dip


Entry Level: Mixed   

11 November 2023  - £79.00

3pm-9pm UK BST    via ZOOM

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Spiritualist Medium, Teacher, Speaker, Author, Mentor, Coach and Spiritual Visionary Artist.

Anne-Marie Bond TAP.Dip, DSNU

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All Rights Reserved ©2017 by SpiritualStars Training Group

Supporting learners to increase Spiritual awareness in Mediumship and Spirit Portraiture via Webinar Classes. Every lesson is experimental and no guarantees are given that any student will become either a Medium or Spirit Artist due to the Freewill and choices of each person.  Anne-Marie Bond

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